Friday, March 18, 2016

Tips for Getting Rid of Vertigo Naturally

Most of the time vertigo is mistaken for fear of heights. However, these symptoms are not due to fear of heights but instead of an underlying problem that needs to be resolved.
The causes of vertigo can be attributed to different things. However, the most common cause of vertigo is due to small crystals of calcium carbonate that get caught in the inner ear. These crystals in the inner ear end up hitting very little hairs that lead to an imbalance.
One treatment that helps remove these crystals is a physical therapy exercise known as epley maneuver. This exercise helps remove the crystals and place them into the openings of the inner ear so that they don't come out and lead to more problems.
The way the epley maneuver works is by tilting your head back until you are looking at everything almost upside down. Then they'll tilt your head to the right and wait until everything has stopped spinning. The physical therapist will then perform the same maneuver tilting your head to the opposite direction until the same thing happens. There's no time limit for this and it's best to take your time before you try to walk again. This is because after you perform the procedure you will feel drained and a little light headed.
If you suffer from cervicogenic vertigo then you can treat this condition with chiropractic care. This type of vertigo is due to an injury or irritation on the muscles, ligaments, and joints of the neck. This injury or irritation will lead to the development of vertigo. If you have this form of vertigo it's best to go to the chiropractor and allow them to work the muscles that could be causing your cervicogenic vertigo. The goal of this chiropractic treatment is to improve the balance of the mechanics of the neck. The chiropractic treatment will also promote better and faster recovery of tissues that have been damaged.
You will know it's time to get medical help for vertigo when your symptoms become severe. Vertigo symptoms like double vision, difficulty swallowing, numbness, nausea, and double vision could become very severe if left untreated. If you find that this is happening to you then you should get immediate medical attention. Make sure you tell the doctor about all of your symptoms so that they can treat you accordingly.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Tips to Treat Vertigo

There are millions of people in the world today that experience dizziness on a regular basis. Dizziness is usually a symptom of a more serious condition like vertigo or anxiety. The key to stopping dizziness is to get rid of the root cause of the problem. There are certain exercises and medications that can be used to help stop the feeling of dizziness and in this article we'll cover them.
When you suffer from dizziness for a long period of time it will cause a lot of anxiety and other complications. Out of all the conditions responsible for dizziness vertigo is the main culprit. The thing that scares people who experience this condition is that they don't know when they'll experience the episodes of vertigo. The episodes of this condition can affect you at any time, which makes it very unpredictable. With that being said the best way to stop dizziness is to treat the underlying problem, which is vertigo.
One possible cause of vertigo is an ear infection. Ear infections can lead to inner ear problems that in turn causes episodes of vertigo. When this occurs you will most likely experience symptoms such as tightness in your chest, slow breathing, and cold sweat. The best way to stop dizziness and vertigo is to prevent it from happening. The way you do this is by using a treatment method known as NLP. This is also called neuro linguistic programming therapy or self hypnosis. This treatment method works by retraining your brain so that it can respond to certain situations that causes episodes of dizziness better.
This treatment method will not only help you stop feelings of vertigo, but will also help you maintain a positive attitude throughout your day. The way NLP helps get rid of vertigo is by programming your brain into a more balanced stated, which will lead to you feeling more in control. It is when you feel like you don't have any control that you will experience symptoms of vertigo the most.
By using NLP properly you'll be able to keep your mind in a different state that will remove you from the thought pattern that causes stress, anxiety, and of course dizziness.
Not only can you use NLP to stop the feeling of dizziness and episodes of vertigo, but you can also use medications and herbal remedies to stop your symptoms. The best place to begin when you are trying to treat vertigo is to consult with your doctor.